Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS)

Determines MCA stroke severity using available CT data.

To compute the ASPECTS, 1 point is subtracted from 10 for any evidence of early ischemic change for each of the defined regions.

Subcortical structures

Caudate (C)

Insularribbon (I)

Internal Capsule (IC)

MCA Cortex

Lentiform nucleus (L)

Anterior MCA cortex (M1)

MCA cortex lateral to the insular ribbon (M2)

Posterior MCA cortex (M3)

Anterior cortex immediately rostal to M1 (M4)

Lateral cortex immediately rostal to M3 (M5)

Posterior cortex immediately rostal to M3 (M6)


Source: Barber PA, Demchuk AM, Zhang J et-al. Validity and reliability of a quantitative computed tomography score in predicting outcome of hyperacute stroke before thrombolytic therapy. ASPECTS Study Group. Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score. Lancet. 2000;355 (9216): 1670-4.