A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Atogepant for the Prevention of Chronic Migraine (Progress)

ClinicalTrials.gov processed this data on January 18, 2023. Link to the current ClinicalTrials.gov record.

Recruitment Status

(See Contacts and Locations)
Verified January 2023 by Allergan



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Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier

Other Study ID Numbers: 3101-303-002
First Submitted: February 25, 2019
First Posted: February 26, 2019
Results First Posted: February 14, 2023
Last Update Posted: February 14, 2023
Last Verified: January 2023
History of Changes

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Study Description

Not Provided
Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment
  • Chronic Migraine
  • Drug: Atogepant 30 mg
  • Drug: Atogepant 60 mg
  • Drug: Placebo

Study Design

Study TypeInterventional
Actual Enrollment778 participants
Design AllocationRandomized
Interventional ModelParallel Assignment
Primary PurposeTreatment
Official TitleA Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Atogepant for the Prevention of Chronic Migraine (Progress)
Study Start DateMarch 11, 2019
Actual Primary Completion DateJanuary 20, 2022
Actual Study Completion DateJanuary 20, 2022

Groups and Cohorts

Group/ CohortIntervention/ Treatment
  • Placebo
    • Participants received atogepant-matching placebo tablets, orally, twice daily (BID) for 12 weeks in a double-blind (DB) treatment period.
  • Drug: Placebo
    • Atogepant 30 mg BID
      • Participants received atogepant 30 mg tablet, orally, BID and atogepant-matching placebo tablets orally, BID for up to 12 weeks in a DB treatment period.
    • Drug: Atogepant 30 mg
      • Tablets containing 30 mg atogepant
    • Drug: Placebo
      • Atogepant 60 mg QD
        • Participants received atogepant 60 mg, orally, once daily (QD) along with atogepant-matching placebo 30 mg as morning dose followed by atogepant-matching placebo 30 mg and 60 mg as evening doses for up to 12 weeks in a DB treatment period.
      • Drug: Atogepant 60 mg
        • Drug: Placebo

          Outcome Measures

          Primary Outcome Measures

          1. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Migraine Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days were defined as the total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. A contrast from Mixed-effects model for repeated measures (MMRM) was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          2. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Migraine Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in Off-Treatment Hypothetical Estimand Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days were defined as the total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. A contrast from Mixed-effects model for repeated measures (MMRM) was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.

          Secondary Outcome Measures

          1. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Headache Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            Participants recorded daily total duration of a headache in a diary. A headache day is any calendar day on which the participant experienced a headache pain lasting 2 hours or longer unless an acute headache medication was used after the start of the headache. The monthly (4-week) headache days were defined as the total number of reported headache days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of headache days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          2. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Headache Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in Off-Treatment Hypothetical Estimand Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            Participants recorded daily total duration of a headache in a diary. A headache day is any calendar day on which the participant experienced a headache pain lasting 2 hours or longer unless an acute headache medication was used after the start of the headache. The monthly (4-week) headache days were defined as the total number of reported headache days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of headache days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          3. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Acute Medication Use Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            An acute medication use day is defined as any day on which a participant reports, per eDiary, the intake of allowed medication(s) to treat an acute migraine. The monthly (4-week) acute medication use days were defined as the total number of reported acute medication use days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. A negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          4. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Acute Medication Use Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in Off-treatment Hypothetical Estimand Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            An acute medication use day is defined as any day on which a participant reports, per eDiary, the intake of allowed medication(s) to treat an acute migraine. The monthly (4-week) acute medication use days were defined as the total number of reported acute medication use days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. A negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          5. Percentage of Participants With at Least a 50% Reduction in 3-Month Average of Monthly Migraine Days in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            Data is reported for 50% responders averaged at each 4-week period. 50% responders are participants with at least a 50 percent reduction from baseline in 3-month average of monthly migraine days. Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days is equal to total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records in each 4-week period multiplied by 28. The values are rounded off to the first decimal value.
          6. Percentage of Participants With at Least a 50% Reduction in 3-Month Average of Monthly Migraine Days in Off-Treatment Hypothetical Estimand Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            Data is reported for 50% responders averaged at each 4-week period. 50% responders are participants with at least a 50 percent reduction from baseline in 3-month average of monthly migraine days. Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days is equal to total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records in each 4-week period multiplied by 28. The values are rounded off to the first decimal value.
          7. Change From Baseline in Migraine Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire, Version 2.1 (MSQ v2.1) Role Function-Restrictive Domain Score at Week 12 in Off-Treatment Hypothetical Estimand Population [At Week 12]
            The MSQ v2.1 is a 14-item questionnaire designed to measure health-related quality of life impairments attributed to migraine in the past 4 weeks. It is divided into 3 domains: Role Function Restrictive (question numbers 1-7, score ranges 7 to 42) assesses how migraines limit one's daily social and work-related activities; Role Function Preventive (question numbers 8-11, score ranges 4 to 24) assesses how migraines prevent these activities; and the Emotional Function (question numbers 12-14, score ranges 3 to 18) domain assesses the emotions associated with migraines. Participants respond to items using a 6-point scale ranging from none of the time to all of the time. Raw dimension scores are computed as a sum of item responses and rescaled to a 0 to 100 scale, where higher scores indicate better quality of life. A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          8. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Performance of Daily Activities Domain Score of the AIM-D Across 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            The AIM-D is a 11-item patient-reported outcome (PRO) measure that assesses the impact of migraine on the performance of daily activities which include, 7 items: difficulty with household chores, errands, leisure activities at home, leisure or social activities outside the home, strenuous physical activities, concentrating, and thinking clearly and physical impairment; 4 items: difficulty walking, moving body, bending forward, moving head using a 6-point rating scale where 0=not difficult at all, 1=a little difficult, 2=somewhat difficult, 3=very difficult, 4=extremely difficult, and 5=I could not do it at all. The raw performance of daily activities domain scores were transformed to 0-100 scale, with higher scores indicating greater impact of migraine (higher disease burden). A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          9. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Physical Impairment Domain Score of the AIM-D Across 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
            The AIM-D is a 11-item PRO measure that assesses the impact of migraine on the performance of daily activities which includes 7 items: difficulty with household chores, errands, leisure activities at home, leisure or social activities outside the home, strenuous physical activities, concentrating, and thinking clearly and physical impairment; 4 items: difficulty walking, moving body, bending forward, moving head using a 6-point rating scale where 0=not difficult at all, 1=a little difficult, 2=somewhat difficult, 3=very difficult, 4=extremely difficult, and 5=I could not do it at all. The raw physical impairment domain scores were transformed to 0-100 scale, with higher scores indicating greater impact of migraine (higher disease burden). A contrast from MMRM was used to obtain the average treatment effects across the 12-week treatment period.
          10. Change From Baseline in the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6) Total Score at Week 12 in Off-Treatment Hypothetical Estimand Population [At Week 12]
            HIT-6 is a 6-question assessment used to measure the impact headaches have on a participant's ability to function on the job, at school, at home, and in social situations. It assesses the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and the participant's ability to function. Responses are based on frequency using a 5-point scale ranging from "never" to "always." The HIT-6 total score, which ranges from 36 to 78, is the sum of the responses - each of which is assigned a score ranging from 6 points (never) to 13 points (always). MMRM was used for the analyses.

          Eligibility Criteria

          Ages Eligible for Study 18 Years to 80 Years (Adult, Older Adult)
          Sexes Eligible for Study All
          Accepts Healthy Volunteers No
          Inclusion Criteria
          • At least a 1-year history of chronic migraine (CM) consistent with a diagnosis according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd Edition (ICHD-3), 2018
          • Age of the participant at the time of migraine onset < 50 years
          • Confirmation of headache/migraine headache day frequency as follows:
          • History of, on average, ≥ 15 headache days per month in the 3 months prior to Visit 1 in the opinion of the investigator AND
          • >=15 headache days during the 4-week screening/baseline period per the electronic diary (eDiary) AND
          • >=8 days during the 4-week screening/baseline period that qualify as being a migraine day per the eDiary
          • Participants must be using a medically acceptable and effective method of birth control during the course of the entire study
          Exclusion Criteria
          • Has a history of migraine, accompanied by diplopia or decreased level of consciousness, or retinal migraine
          • Has a current diagnosis of new persistent daily headache, trigeminal autonomic cephalgia (eg, cluster headache), or painful cranial neuropathy
          • History of an inadequate response to > 4 medications (2 of which have different mechanisms of action) prescribed for the prevention of migraine
          • Woman is pregnant, planning to become pregnant during the course of the study, or currently lactating. Women of childbearing potential must have a negative urine pregnancy test at Visit 1 and Visit 2.

          Contacts and Locations

          Sponsors and Collaborators Allergan
          • Barrow Neuro Institute /ID# 236776 | Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 85013
          • Baptist Health Center for Clinical Research /ID# 237361 | Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, 72205
          • California Headache and Balance Center /ID# 236246 | Fresno, California, United States, 93720
          • Wr-Pri Llc /Id# 236008 | Los Alamitos, California, United States, 90720
          • Pharmacology Research Institute (PRI) - Newport Beach (Wake) /ID# 237692 | Newport Beach, California, United States, 92660
          • Schuster Medical Research Institute /ID# 236447 | Sherman Oaks, California, United States, 91403
          • Alpine Clinical Research Center /ID# 234346 | Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80301-1880
          • George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates /ID# 238011 | Washington, District of Columbia, United States, 20037-3201
          • Accel Research Sites - St Petersburg Clinical Research Unit /ID# 237161 | Saint Petersburg, Florida, United States, 33709-3113
          • Accel Research Sites - Tampa Clinical Research Unit /ID# 237485 | Tampa, Florida, United States, 33634
          • Premiere Research Institute - Palm Beach /ID# 238192 | West Palm Beach, Florida, United States, 33407-3209
          • NeuroTrials Research Inc. /ID# 237364 | Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30328
          • Josephson-Wallack-Munshower Neurology - NE /ID# 238234 | Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 46256-4692
          • Collective Medical Research /ID# 236400 | Prairie Village, Kansas, United States, 66208
          • Ochsner Clinic Foundation /ID# 236543 | Covington, Louisiana, United States, 70433-8107
          • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center /ID# 237540 | Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02215-5400
          • BTC of New Bedford /ID# 236384 | New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States, 02740
          • Clinical Research Institute, Inc /ID# 238299 | Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 55402-2606
          • Headache Neurology Research Institute /ID# 236464 | Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States, 39157
          • Nevada Headache Institute /ID# 236420 | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 89113
          • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center /ID# 237444 | Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States, 03756
          • Albuquerque Clinical Trials, Inc /ID# 236853 | Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 87102
          • Albany Medical Center Rheumatology /ID# 236540 | Albany, New York, United States, 12208-3412
          • Dent Neurosciences Research Center, Inc. /ID# 237040 | Amherst, New York, United States, 14226
          • Headache Wellness Center /ID# 236431 | Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, 27405
          • Raleigh Neurology Associates /ID# 237141 | Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, 27607
          • Stetson-University of Cincinnati /ID# 236453 | Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 45219
          • Abington Neurological Associates - Abington /ID# 236258 | Abington, Pennsylvania, United States, 19001
          • Preferred Primary Care Physicians, Inc. /ID# 236439 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15236
          • WR-ClinSearch /ID# 238288 | Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States, 37421-1605
          • Clinical Neuroscience Solutions - Memphis /ID# 237478 | Memphis, Tennessee, United States, 38119
          • DiscoveResearch, Inc /ID# 236274 | Bryan, Texas, United States, 77802
          • Texas Neurology /ID# 236359 | Dallas, Texas, United States, 75214
          • University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center /ID# 236941 | Dallas, Texas, United States, 75390-7208
          • J. Lewis Research, Inc. / Foothill Family Clinic /ID# 236395 | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84109
          • J. Lewis Research, Inc. Foothill Family Clinic South /ID# 236297 | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84121
          • Highland Clinical Research /ID# 237816 | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84124
          • MedStar Georgetown Neurology /ID# 236324 | McLean, Virginia, United States, 22101
          • Sentara Neurology Specialists - Virginia Beach /ID# 234349 | Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States, 23456-0019
          • Northwest Clinical Research Center /ID# 237581 | Bellevue, Washington, United States, 98007
          • Puget Sound Neurology /ID# 236321 | Tacoma, Washington, United States, 25328
          • Royal North Shore Hospital /ID# 237008 | St Leonards, New South Wales, Australia, 2065
          • The Royal Melbourne Hospital /ID# 236859 | Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 3050
          • CHAMP Clinic /ID# 236252 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3M 1M4
          • Vancouver Island Health Authority /ID# 238053 | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8R 1J8
          • Ottawa Headache Centre Research Inc /ID# 236432 | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2G 6E2
          • Clinique des cephalees de Montreal /ID# 236266 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2W 1V1
          • Montreal Neurological Institut /ID# 236329 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
          • Peking University Third Hospital /ID# 238150 | Beijing, Beijing, China, 100191
          • Chinese PLA General Hospital /ID# 238237 | Beijing, Beijing, China, 100853
          • Guangzhou First People's Hospital /ID# 236510 | Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 510180
          • The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University /ID# 238133 | Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 510260
          • Hubei General Hospital /ID# 236486 | Wuhan, Hebei, China, 430060
          • The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University /ID# 237025 | Zhengzhou, Henan, China, 450052
          • Jiangsu Province Hospital /ID# 237846 | Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 210029
          • The Second Hospital of Jilin University /ID# 236520 | Changchun, Jilin, China, 130022
          • Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine /ID# 237847 | Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 200065
          • The Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University /ID# 236529 | Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, 030000
          • The second Affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University school of Medicine /ID# 238260 | Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310009
          • Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine /ID# 236500 | Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310020
          • Beijing Friendship Hospital /ID# 237264 | Beijing, China, 100032
          • The Second Hospital of Soochow University /ID# 234296 | Suzhou, China, 215004
          • Tianjin Huanhu Hospital (THH) /ID# 236524 | Tianjin, China, 300350
          • Tongji Hospital Tongji Medical College of HUST /ID# 237835 | Wuhan, China, 430030
          • NEUROHK s.r.o. /ID# 236290 | Hradec Kralove, Czechia, 500 09
          • BRAIN-SOULTHERAPY s.r.o. /ID# 236380 | Kladno, Czechia, 272 01
          • CCR Ostrava, s.r.o. /ID# 234291 | Ostrava, Czechia, 702 00
          • CLINTRIAL s.r.o. /ID# 237793 | Prague 10, Czechia, 100 00
          • CCR Czech a.s /ID# 236249 | Prague 4, Czechia, 140 00
          • FORBELI s.r.o. /ID# 236427 | Prague, Czechia, 160 00
          • CCR Prague s.r.o. /ID# 236250 | Praha, Czechia, 130 00
          • Thomayerova nemocnice /ID# 237175 | Praha, Czechia, 140 59
          • NeuroMed Zlin s.r.o. /ID# 236416 | Zlin, Czechia, 760 01
          • Rigshospitalet Glostrup /ID# 236411 | Glostrup, Hovedstaden, Denmark, 2600
          • AP-HM - Hopital de la Timone /ID# 236285 | Marseille CEDEX 05, Bouches-du-Rhone, France, 13385
          • CH Annecy Genevois Site Annecy /ID# 236385 | PRINGY cedex, Haute-Savoie, France, 74374
          • Hôpital Pierre Wertheimer /ID# 236969 | Bron, France, 69677
          • CHU Gabriel Montpied /ID# 237323 | Clermont Ferrand, France, 63000
          • Charite Universitaetsklinikum Berlin - Campus Virchow /ID# 237256 | Berlin, Germany, 13353
          • Praxis Dr. Gendolla /ID# 236311 | Essen, Germany, 45133
          • Universitaetsklinikum Essen /ID# 237209 | Essen, Germany, 45147
          • CTC North GmbH & Co. KG /ID# 236328 | Hamburg, Germany, 20251
          • Vitos Orthopaedische Klinik Kassel gemeinnuetzige GmbH /ID# 236723 | Kassel, Germany, 34131
          • Schmerzklinik Kiel /ID# 236444 | Kiel, Germany, 24149
          • LMU Klinikum Campus Grosshadern /ID# 236293 | München, Germany, 81377
          • Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico /ID# 237492 | Bari, Italy, 70124
          • Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi /ID# 237598 | Florence, Italy, 50134
          • Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta /ID# 237291 | Milan, Italy, 20133
          • AOU Universita degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli /ID# 236361 | Napoli, Italy, 80138
          • Universita di Pavia /ID# 236363 | Pavia, Italy, 27100
          • IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana /ID# 236552 | Rome, Italy, 00163
          • Takanoko Hospital /ID# 234564 | Matsuyama-shi, Ehime, Japan, 790-0925
          • Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital /ID# 236794 | Fukui-shi, Fukui, Japan, 918-8235
          • Higashi Sapporo Neurology and Neurosurgery Clinic /ID# 234549 | Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, Japan, 003-0003
          • Konan Medical Center /ID# 236230 | Kobe-shi, Hyogo, Japan, 658-0064
          • Atsuchi Neurosurgical Hospital /ID# 234779 | Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima, Japan, 892-0842
          • Tokai University Hospital /ID# 237595 | Isehara-shi, Kanagawa, Japan, 259-1193
          • Fujitsu Clinic /ID# 237443 | Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan, 211-8588
          • Umenotsuji Clinic /ID# 234495 | Kochi-shi, Kochi, Japan, 780-8011
          • Sendai Headache and Neurology Clinic Medical Corporation /ID# 234496 | Sendai-shi, Miyagi, Japan, 982-0014
          • Saitama Medical University Hospital /ID# 237019 | Iruma-gun, Saitama, Japan, 350-0495
          • Saitama Neuropsychiatric Institute /Id# 234550 | Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan, 338-8577
          • Japanese Red Cross Shizuoka Hospital /ID# 234372 | Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka, Japan, 420-0853
          • Dokkyo Medical University Hospital /ID# 236810 | Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi, Japan, 321-0293
          • Niwa Family Clinic /ID# 234552 | Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 182-0006
          • Tokyo Headache Clinic /ID# 234555 | Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 151-0051
          • Keio University Hospital /ID# 237210 | Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 160-8582
          • Nagaseki Headache Clinic /ID# 234561 | Kai-shi, Yamanashi, Japan, 400-0124
          • DOI Internal Medicine-Neurology Clinic /ID# 234562 | Hiroshima, Japan, 730-0031
          • Hiroshima Neurology Clinic /ID# 234563 | Hiroshima, Japan, 732-0822
          • Tanaka Neurosurgical clinic /ID# 234760 | Kagoshima, Japan, 892-0844
          • Tatsuoka Neurology Clinic /ID# 234782 | Kyoto, Japan, 600-8811
          • Tominaga Hospital /ID# 234781 | Osaka, Japan, 556-0017
          • Shinagawa Strings Clinic /ID# 234780 | Tokyo, Japan, 108-0075
          • Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital /ID# 238097 | Hwaseong, Gyeonggido, Korea, Republic of, 18450
          • Kangbuk Samsung Hospital /ID# 237754 | Seoul, Seoul Teugbyeolsi, Korea, Republic of, 03181
          • Yonsei University Health System Severance Hospital /ID# 237839 | Seoul, Seoul Teugbyeolsi, Korea, Republic of, 03722
          • Pusan National University Hospital /ID# 237120 | Busan, Korea, Republic of, 49241
          • Nowon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University /ID# 236306 | Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 01830
          • Seoul National University Hospital /ID# 237786 | Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 03080
          • Samsung Medical Center /ID# 237785 | Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 06351
          • NZOZ Vitamed /ID# 237041 | Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland, 85-079
          • Indywidualna Praktyka Lekarska dr hab. med. Anna Szczepanska-Szerej /ID# 236289 | Lublin, Lubelskie, Poland, 20-582
          • Specjalistyczne Gabinety Sp. z o.o. /ID# 236348 | Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland, 30-539
          • Centrum Leczenia Padaczki i Migreny /ID# 236386 | Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland, 31-209
          • Centrum Medyczne Pratia Gdynia /ID# 237077 | Gdynia, Pomorskie, Poland, 81-338
          • Silmedic Sp. z o.o. /ID# 237343 | Katowice, Slaskie, Poland, 40-282
          • Solumed Centrum Medyczne /ID# 236452 | Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Poland, 60-529
          • EuroMedis sp. z o.o. /ID# 236417 | Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland, 70-111
          • Kazan State Medical University /ID# 236298 | Kazan, Tatarstan, Respublika, Russian Federation, 420012
          • State Autonomous Healthcare Institution Republican Clinical Neurology Centre /ID# 236354 | Kazan, Tatarstan, Respublika, Russian Federation, 420021
          • University Headache Clinic /ID# 236371 | Moscow, Russian Federation, 119221
          • Clinics Chaika /ID# 236394 | Moscow, Russian Federation, 125047
          • Central Clinical Hospital RZHD Medicine /ID# 237024 | Moscow, Russian Federation, 129128
          • Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago-CHUS /ID# 237623 | Santiago de Compostela, A Coruna, Spain, 15706
          • CLINICA UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA-Pamplona /ID# 237645 | Pamplona, Navarra, Spain, 31008
          • Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron /ID# 236467 | Barcelona, Spain, 08035
          • Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio /ID# 237106 | Sevilla, Spain, 41013
          • Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia /ID# 237400 | Valencia, Spain, 46010
          • Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe /ID# 237087 | Valencia, Spain, 46026
          • Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valladolid /ID# 234406 | Valladolid, Spain, 47003
          • Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa /ID# 237373 | Zaragoza, Spain, 50009
          • Stortorgets Neurologmottagning /ID# 236454 | Helsingborg, Sweden, 252 20
          • Kuang-Tien General Hospital /ID# 236309 | Taichung City, Taiwan, 433
          • Tainan Sin Lau Hospital /ID# 236358 | Tainan City, Taiwan, 70142
          • Chi-Mei Medical Center /ID# 236724 | Tainan, Taiwan, 71004
          • Taipei Veterans General Hosp /ID# 237236 | Taipei City, Taiwan, 11217
          • Tri-Service General Hospital /ID# 237657 | Taipei City, Taiwan, 11490
          • Walton Centre /ID# 236468 | Liverpool, United Kingdom, L9 7LJ
          • King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust /ID# 236301 | London, United Kingdom, SE5 9RS

            Study Documents (Full Text)