A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Atogepant for the Prophylaxis of Migraine in Participants With Episodic Migraine Who Have Previously Failed 2 to 4 Classes of Oral Prophylactic Treatments (ELEVATE)

ClinicalTrials.gov processed this data on September 19, 2023. Link to the current ClinicalTrials.gov record.

Recruitment Status

(See Contacts and Locations)
Verified September 2023 by Allergan



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Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier

Other Study ID Numbers: 3101-304-002
First Submitted: February 2, 2021
First Posted: February 5, 2021
Results First Posted: September 21, 2023
Last Update Posted: September 21, 2023
Last Verified: September 2023
History of Changes

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Study Description

Not Provided
Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment
  • Episodic Migraine
  • Drug: Atogepant 60 mg
  • Drug: Placebo

Study Design

Study TypeInterventional
Actual Enrollment315 participants
Design AllocationRandomized
Interventional ModelParallel Assignment
Primary PurposeTreatment
Official TitleA Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Atogepant for the Prophylaxis of Migraine in Participants With Episodic Migraine Who Have Previously Failed 2 to 4 Classes of Oral Prophylactic Treatments (ELEVATE)
Study Start DateMarch 5, 2021
Actual Primary Completion DateAugust 4, 2022
Actual Study Completion DateAugust 4, 2022

Groups and Cohorts

Group/ CohortIntervention/ Treatment
  • Placebo
    • Participants received atogepant-matching placebo tablets, orally, once daily (QD) for up to 12 weeks in a double-blind (DB) treatment period.
  • Drug: Placebo
    • Atogepant 60 mg
      • Participants received atogepant 60 mg, orally, QD for up to 12 weeks in a DB treatment period.
    • Drug: Atogepant 60 mg
      • Atogepant tablets.

    Outcome Measures

    Primary Outcome Measures

    1. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Migraine Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days were defined as the total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. Mixed-effects model for repeated measures (MMRM) was used for analysis.
    2. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Migraine Days Across 12-Week Treatment Period in OTHE Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days were defined as the total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. MMRM was used for analysis.

    Secondary Outcome Measures

    1. Number of Participants With At Least a 50% Reduction in 3-Month Average of Monthly Migraine Days Across the 12-week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      Data is reported for 50% responders averaged at each 4-week period. 50% responders are participants with at least a 50% reduction from baseline in 3-month average of monthly migraine days. Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days are equal to total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records in each 4-week period multiplied by 28.
    2. Number of Participants With At Least a 50% Reduction in 3-Month Average of Monthly Migraine Days Across the 12-week Treatment Period in OTHE Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      Data is reported for 50% responders averaged at each 4-week period. 50% responders are participants with at least a 50% reduction from baseline in 3-month average of monthly migraine days. Participants recorded daily duration of migraine in a diary. A migraine day was any calendar day on which the participant experienced a migraine headache. The monthly (4-week) migraine days are equal to total number of reported migraine days in diary divided by total number of days with diary records in each 4-week period multiplied by 28.
    3. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Headache Days Across the 12-week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      Participants recorded daily total duration of a headache in a diary. A headache day is any calendar day on which the participant experienced a headache pain lasting 2 hours or longer unless an acute headache medication was used after the start of the headache. The monthly (4-week) headache days were defined as the total number of reported headache days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of headache days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. MMRM was used for analysis.
    4. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Headache Days Across the 12-week Treatment Period in OTHE Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      Participants recorded daily total duration of a headache in a diary. A headache day is any calendar day on which the participant experienced a headache pain lasting 2 hours or longer unless an acute headache medication was used after the start of the headache. The monthly (4-week) headache days were defined as the total number of reported headache days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of headache days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. Negative change from Baseline indicates improvement. MMRM was used for analysis.
    5. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Acute Medication Use Days Across the 12-week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      An acute medication use day is defined as any day on which a participant reports, per eDiary, the intake of allowed medication(s) to treat an acute migraine. The monthly (4-week) acute medication use days were defined as the total number of reported acute medication use days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. A negative change from Baseline indicates improvement.
    6. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Acute Medication Use Days Across the 12-week Treatment Period in OTHE Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      An acute medication use day is defined as any day on which a participant reports, per eDiary, the intake of allowed medication(s) to treat an acute migraine. The monthly (4-week) acute medication use days were defined as the total number of reported acute medication use days in the diary divided by the total number of days with diary records during each 4-week period and multiplied by 28. Each 4-week period was averaged. Baseline is defined as the number of migraine days during the last 28 days prior to the randomization date. A negative change from Baseline indicates improvement.
    7. Change From Baseline in Migraine Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (MSQ) v2.1 Role Function-Restrictive Domain Score at Week 12 in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      The MSQ v2.1 is a 14-item questionnaire designed to measure health-related quality of life impairments attributed to migraine in the past 4 weeks. It is divided into 3 domains: Role Function Restrictive (question numbers 1-7, score ranges 7 to 42) assesses how migraines limit one's daily social and work-related activities; Role Function Preventive (question numbers 8-11, score ranges 4 to 24) assesses how migraines prevent these activities; and the Emotional Function (question numbers 12-14, score ranges 3 to 18) domain assesses the emotions associated with migraines. Participants respond to items using a 6-point scale ranging from none of the time to all of the time. Raw dimension scores are computed as a sum of item responses and rescaled to a 0 to 100 scale, where higher scores indicate better quality of life. MMRM was used for analysis.
    8. Change From Baseline in Migraine Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (MSQ) v2.1 Role Function-Restrictive Domain Score at Week 12 in OTHE Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      The MSQ v2.1 is a 14-item questionnaire designed to measure health-related quality of life impairments attributed to migraine in the past 4 weeks. It is divided into 3 domains: Role Function Restrictive (question numbers 1-7, score ranges 7 to 42) assesses how migraines limit one's daily social and work-related activities; Role Function Preventive (question numbers 8-11, score ranges 4 to 24) assesses how migraines prevent these activities; and the Emotional Function (question numbers 12-14, score ranges 3 to 18) domain assesses the emotions associated with migraines. Participants respond to items using a 6-point scale ranging from none of the time to all of the time. Raw dimension scores are computed as a sum of item responses and rescaled to a 0 to 100 scale, where higher scores indicate better quality of life. MMRM was used for analysis.
    9. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Performance of Daily Activities Domain Score of the Activity Impairment in Migraine - Diary (AIM-D) Across the 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      The AIM-D is a 11-item patient-reported outcome (PRO) measure that assesses the impact of migraine on the performance of daily activities which include, 7 items: difficulty with household chores, errands, leisure activities at home, leisure or social activities outside the home, strenuous physical activities, concentrating, and thinking clearly and physical impairment; 4 items: difficulty walking, moving body, bending forward, moving head using a 6-point rating scale where 0=not difficult at all, 1=a little difficult, 2=somewhat difficult, 3=very difficult, 4=extremely difficult, and 5=I could not do it at all. The raw performance of daily activities domain scores were transformed to 0-100 scale, with higher scores indicating greater impact of migraine (higher disease burden).
    10. Change From Baseline in Mean Monthly Physical Impairment Domain Score of the AIM-D Across the 12-Week Treatment Period in mITT Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      The AIM-D is a 11-item PRO measure that assesses the impact of migraine on the performance of daily activities which includes 7 items: difficulty with household chores, errands, leisure activities at home, leisure or social activities outside the home, strenuous physical activities, concentrating, and thinking clearly and physical impairment; 4 items: difficulty walking, moving body, bending forward, moving head using a 6-point rating scale where 0=not difficult at all, 1=a little difficult, 2=somewhat difficult, 3=very difficult, 4=extremely difficult, and 5=I could not do it at all. The raw physical impairment domain scores were transformed to 0-100 scale, with higher scores indicating greater impact of migraine (higher disease burden).
    11. Change From Baseline in the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6) Total Score at Week 12 in OTHE Population [Baseline to Week 12]
      HIT-6 is a 6-question assessment used to measure the impact headaches have on a participant's ability to function on the job, at school, at home, and in social situations. It assesses the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and the participant's ability to function. Responses are based on frequency using a 5-point scale ranging from "never" to "always." The HIT-6 total score, which ranges from 36 to 78, is the sum of the responses - each of which is assigned a score ranging from 6 points (never) to 13 points (always). MMRM was used for the analyses.
    12. Number of Participants Experiencing Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) [From first dose of study drug until 30 days after last dose of study drug (up to Week 12)]
      An adverse event (AE) is defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation participant administered a pharmaceutical product which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment. The investigator assesses the relationship of each event to the use of study drug. TEAEs were defined as any AE with the onset that was after the first dose of study intervention.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Ages Eligible for Study 18 Years to 80 Years (Adult, Older Adult)
    Sexes Eligible for Study All
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers No
    Inclusion Criteria
    • At least a 1-year history of migraine with or without aura consistent with a diagnosis according to the ICHD-3, 2018.
    • Age of the participant at the time of migraine onset < 50 years -History of 4 to 14 migraine days per month on average in the 3 months prior to Visit 1 in the investigator's judgment
    • Female participants willing to minimize the risk of inducing pregnancy for the duration of the clinical study and follow-up period. Male participants willing to minimize the risk of inducing pregnancy for the duration of the clinical study and follow-up period.
    • 4 to 14 migraine days in the 28-day baseline period per eDiary
    • Failed oral migraine prophylaxis medications from 2 to 4 medication classes
    Exclusion Criteria
    • Any clinically significant hematologic, endocrine, pulmonary, hepatic, gastrointestinal, or neurologic disease
    • Participant has any other concurrent pain condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, may significantly impact the current headache disorder
    • In the opinion of the investigator, confounding psychiatric conditions, dementia, epilepsy, or significant neurological disorders other than migraine
    • Has ≥ 15 headache days per month on average across the 3 months prior to Visit 1 in the investigator's judgment
    • Has ≥ 15 headache days in the 28-day baseline period per eDiary
    • Clinically significant cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease
    • Has a history of migraine accompanied by diplopia or decreased level of consciousness or retinal migraine as defined by ICHD-3, 2018
    • Has a current diagnosis of chronic migraine, new persistent daily headache, medication overuse headache, trigeminal autonomic cephalgia (eg, cluster headache), or painful cranial neuropathy as defined by ICHD-3, 2018

    Contacts and Locations

    Sponsors and Collaborators Allergan
    • Axiom Research /ID# 226379 | Colton, California, United States, 92324
    • Pharmacology Research Institute (PRI) - Encino (Wake) /ID# 226434 | Encino, California, United States, 91316
    • Pharmacology Research Institute (PRI) - Los Alamitos (Wake) /ID# 226388 | Los Alamitos, California, United States, 90720-3500
    • Pharmacology Research Institute (PRI) - Los Alamitos (Wake) /ID# 226405 | Los Alamitos, California, United States, 90720-3500
    • Excell Research, Inc /ID# 228386 | Oceanside, California, United States, 92056
    • Alpine Clinical Research Center /ID# 226201 | Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80301-1880
    • Sensible Healthcare /ID# 226197 | Ocoee, Florida, United States, 34761
    • Meridien Research /ID# 226224 | Saint Petersburg, Florida, United States, 33709
    • Meridien Research /ID# 226302 | Saint Petersburg, Florida, United States, 33709
    • Velocity Clinical Research - Boise /ID# 226320 | Meridian, Idaho, United States, 83642
    • Allied Physicians - Fort Wayne Neurological Center /ID# 226350 | Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States, 46804
    • Deaconess Clinic - Gateway Health Center /ID# 226481 | Newburgh, Indiana, United States, 47630
    • Pharmasite Research, Inc. /ID# 226445 | Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 21208
    • StudyMetrix Research /ID# 226297 | Saint Peters, Missouri, United States, 63303
    • Clinvest Research LLC /ID# 226273 | Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65807
    • Methodist Physicians Clinic /ID# 226470 | Fremont, Nebraska, United States, 68025
    • Amici Clinical Research - Raritan /ID# 226282 | Raritan, New Jersey, United States, 08869
    • Albuquerque Clinical Trials, Inc /ID# 233445 | Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 87102
    • CTI Clinical Trial and Consulting /ID# 226281 | Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 45212
    • FutureSearch Trials of Neurology /ID# 226423 | Austin, Texas, United States, 78731
    • Austin Clinical Trial Partners /ID# 228387 | Austin, Texas, United States, 78737
    • DiscoveResearch, Inc /ID# 226491 | Bryan, Texas, United States, 77802
    • FutureSearch Trials of Dallas, LP /ID# 226493 | Dallas, Texas, United States, 75231
    • LinQ Research, LLC /ID# 226227 | Pearland, Texas, United States, 77584
    • Highland Clinical Research /ID# 226288 | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84124
    • Northwest Clinical Research Center /ID# 226228 | Bellevue, Washington, United States, 98007
    • Alfred Health /ID# 226341 | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3004
    • The Royal Melbourne Hospital /ID# 226402 | Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 3050
    • Aggarwal and Associates Limited /ID# 226321 | Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6T 0G1
    • Ottawa Headache Centre Research Inc /ID# 226257 | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2G 6E2
    • Diex Recherche Sherbrooke Inc. /ID# 226375 | Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, J1L 0H8
    • POLIKLINIKA CHOCEN, a.s. /ID# 226510 | Chocen, Czechia, 565 01
    • BRAIN-SOULTHERAPY s.r.o. /ID# 226489 | Kladno, Czechia, 272 01
    • CCR Ostrava, s.r.o. /ID# 226279 | Ostrava, Czechia, 702 00
    • A-SHINE s.r.o. /ID# 226208 | Plzen, Czechia, 301 00
    • CLINTRIAL s.r.o. /ID# 226192 | Prague 10, Czechia, 100 00
    • CCR Czech a.s /ID# 226270 | Prague 4, Czechia, 140 00
    • FORBELI s.r.o. /ID# 226396 | Prague, Czechia, 160 00
    • DADO MEDICAL s.r.o. /ID# 226548 | Praha, Czechia, 120 00
    • CCR Prague s.r.o. /ID# 226214 | Praha, Czechia, 130 00
    • INEP medical s.r.o. /ID# 226531 | Praha, Czechia, 186 00
    • Vestra Clinics s.r.o. /ID# 226547 | Rychnov nad Kneznou, Czechia, 516 01
    • NeuroMed Zlin s.r.o. /ID# 226487 | Zlin, Czechia, 760 01
    • Rigshospitalet Glostrup /ID# 226271 | Glostrup, Hovedstaden, Denmark, 2600
    • CHU Nice - Hopital de Cimiez /ID# 226401 | Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France, 06000
    • CHU de SAINT ETIENNE - Hopital Nord /ID# 226397 | St. Priest En Jarez, Loire, France, 42270
    • CHU Lille /ID# 226501 | Lille, Nord, France, 59000
    • CHU Clermont Ferand - Hopital Gabriel Montpied /ID# 226438 | Clermont Ferrand, France, 63000
    • AP-HP - Hopital Lariboisière /ID# 226221 | Paris, France, 75010
    • Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen /ID# 226529 | Tubingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 72076
    • Charite Universitaetsmedizin Berlin - Campus Mitte /ID# 226441 | Berlin, Germany, 10117
    • Klinische Forschung Dresden GmbH /ID# 226194 | Dresden, Germany, 01069
    • Praxis Dr. Gendolla /ID# 226497 | Essen, Germany, 45133
    • Universitaetsklinikum Essen /ID# 226527 | Essen, Germany, 45147
    • Klinische Forschung Hannover-Mitte GmbH /ID# 226195 | Hannover, Germany, 30159
    • Universitaetsklinikum Jena Klinik fuer Neurologie /ID# 226439 | Jena, Germany, 07747
    • Vitos Orthopaedische Klinik Kassel gemeinnuetzige GmbH /ID# 231767 | Kassel, Germany, 34131
    • Schmerzklinik Kiel /ID# 226499 | Kiel, Germany, 24149
    • AmBeNet GmbH /ID# 226213 | Leipzig, Germany, 04107
    • Pharmakologisches Studienzentrum Chemnitz GmbH /ID# 226202 | Mittweida, Germany, 09648
    • Universitaetsmedizin Rostock /ID# 226517 | Rostock, Germany, 18057
    • Neuropoint GmbH /ID# 226377 | Ulm, Germany, 89073
    • Neuropraxis Muenchen Sued /ID# 226216 | Unterhaching, Germany, 82008
    • Studienzentrum Nord-West /ID# 226360 | Westerstede, Germany, 26655
    • Intermed GmbH /ID# 226376 | Wiesbaden, Germany, 65189
    • DKD Helios Klinik Wiesbaden /ID# 226534 | Wiesbaden, Germany, 65191
    • Bugat Pal Korhaz /ID# 226357 | Gyöngyös, Heves, Hungary, 3200
    • Valeomed Kft /ID# 226535 | Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary, 2500
    • Szent Borbala Korhaz /ID# 226400 | Tatabanya, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary, 2800
    • Somogy Megyei Kaposi Mor Oktato Korhaz /ID# 226485 | Kaposvár, Somogy, Hungary, 7400
    • Mind Klinika Kft. /ID# 233438 | Budapest, Hungary, 1024
    • Clinexpert Kft /ID# 226467 | Budapest, Hungary, 1033
    • Department of Neurology, University of Szeged /ID# 226442 | Szeged, Hungary, 6725
    • Ospedale Ss. Filippo e Nicola /ID# 226530 | Avezzano, L Aquila, Italy, 67051
    • Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico di Roma /ID# 226361 | Rome, Lazio, Italy, 00128
    • Univ. of Bologna-IRCCS-Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche /ID# 226475 | Bologna, Italy, 40126
    • Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi /ID# 226502 | Florence, Italy, 50134
    • Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta /ID# 226399 | Milan, Italy, 20133
    • AOU Universita degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli /ID# 226503 | Napoli, Italy, 80138
    • Universita di Pavia /ID# 226536 | Pavia, Italy, 27100
    • Martini Ziekenhuis /ID# 226343 | Groningen, Netherlands, 9728 NT
    • Canisius-Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis /ID# 226488 | Nijmegen, Netherlands, 6532 SZ
    • ZorgSaam Zorggroep Zeeuws-Vlaanderen /ID# 226317 | Terneuzen, Netherlands, 4535 PA
    • Centrum Medyczne Oporow /ID# 226469 | Wroclaw, Dolnoslaskie, Poland, 52-416
    • NZOZ Vitamed /ID# 226293 | Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland, 85-079
    • Gabinet Lekarski Jacek Rozniecki /ID# 226323 | Lodz, Lodzkie, Poland, 90-338
    • Indywidualna Praktyka Lekarska dr hab. med. Anna Szczepanska-Szerej /ID# 226235 | Lublin, Lubelskie, Poland, 20-582
    • Specjalistyczne Gabinety Sp. z o.o. /ID# 226266 | Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland, 30-539
    • Centrum Leczenia Padaczki i Migreny /ID# 226543 | Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland, 31-209
    • Duplicate_RCMed Oddzial Sochaczew /ID# 226369 | Sochaczew, Mazowieckie, Poland, 96-500
    • Centrum Medyczne Pratia Gdynia /ID# 226437 | Gdynia, Pomorskie, Poland, 81-338
    • Silmedic Sp. z o.o. /ID# 226267 | Katowice, Slaskie, Poland, 40-282
    • Solumed Centrum Medyczne /ID# 226299 | Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Poland, 60-529
    • EuroMedis sp. z o.o. /ID# 226268 | Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland, 70-111
    • Bashkir State Medical University /ID# 226552 | Ufa, Bashkortostan, Respublika, Russian Federation, 450005
    • Kazan State Medical University /ID# 226498 | Kazan, Tatarstan, Respublika, Russian Federation, 420012
    • Sbhi Cp 2 Hdm /Id# 226494 | Moscow, Russian Federation, 117556
    • University Headache Clinic /ID# 226435 | Moscow, Russian Federation, 119221
    • Cephalgolog /ID# 226541 | Moscow, Russian Federation, 125040
    • Hospital Unversitario Marques de Valdecilla /ID# 226239 | Santander, Cantabria, Spain, 39008
    • University Clinical Hospital of Valladolid /ID# 226528 | Valledolid, Castellon, Spain, 47005
    • Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron /ID# 226230 | Barcelona, Spain, 08035
    • Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau /ID# 226550 | Barcelona, Spain, 08041
    • Hospital Clinico Universitario San Carlos /ID# 226483 | Madrid, Spain, 28040
    • Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia /ID# 226472 | Valencia, Spain, 46010
    • Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa /ID# 226395 | Zaragoza, Spain, 50009
    • Karolinska university hospital, Huddinge /ID# 226215 | Huddinge, Stockholms Lan, Sweden, 141 86
    • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital /ID# 226492 | Glasgow, United Kingdom, G51 4TF
    • Re:Cognition Health - Guildford /ID# 226539 | Guildford, United Kingdom, GU2 7YD
    • NHS Highland /ID# 226542 | Inverness, United Kingdom, IV2 3UJ
    • Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust /ID# 226538 | Leeds, United Kingdom, LS9 7TF
    • St Pancras Clinical Research /ID# 226551 | London, United Kingdom, EC2Y 8EA
    • King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust /ID# 226525 | London, United Kingdom, SE5 9RS
    • Re:Cognition Health - London /ID# 226540 | London, United Kingdom, W1G 9JF

      Study Documents (Full Text)

      More Information

      Additional Relevant MeSH Terms

      • Migraine Disorders
      • Headache Disorders, Primary
      • Headache Disorders
      • Brain Diseases
      • Central Nervous System Diseases
      • Nervous System Diseases