Oral Health Care for the Pregnant Adolescent
Based upon the historical indicators, clinical findings, and previous radiographic surveys, radiographs may be indicated. Because risk of carcinogenesis or fetal effects is very small but significant, radiographs should be obtained only when there is expectation that diagnostic yield (including the absence of pathology) will influence patient care. If dental treatment must be deferred until after delivery, radiographic assessment also should be deferred. All radiographic procedures should be conducted in accordance with radiation safety practices. These include optimizing the radiographic techniques, shielding the pelvic region and thyroid gland, and using the fastest imaging available.
Counseling for all pregnant patients should address:
• an individualized preventive plan including oral hygiene instructions, rinses, and/or xylitol products to decrease the likelihood of MS transmission postpartum;
• dietary considerations (e.g., maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding frequent exposures to cariogenic foods and beverages, overall nutrient and energy needs) and vitamin supplements;
• anticipatory guidance for the infant’s oral health including the benefits of early establishment of a dental home;
• anticipatory guidance for the adolescent’s oral health to include injury prevention, oral piercings, tobacco and substance abuse, sealants, and third molar assessment;
• oral changes that may occur secondary to pregnancy (e.g., xerostomia, shifts in oral flora); and
• individualized treatment recommendations based upon the specific oral findings for each patient.
A pregnant adolescent experiencing morning sickness or gastroesophageal reflux should be instructed to rinse with a cup of water containing a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and to avoid tooth brushing for about one hour after vomiting to minimize dental erosion caused by stomach acid exposure. Women should be advised about the high sugar content and risk for caries associated with long term frequent use of over-the-counter antacids. Where there is established erosion, fluoride may be used to minimize hard tissue loss and control sensitivity. A daily neutral sodium fluoride mouth rinse or gel to combat enamel softening by acids and control pulpal sensitivity may be prescribed. A palliative approach to alleviate dry mouth may include increased water consumption or chewing sugarless gum to increase salivation.
Common invasive dental procedures may require certain precautions during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester. Elective restorative and periodontal therapies should be performed during the second trimester. Dental treatment for a pregnant patient who is experiencing pain or infection should not be delayed until after delivery. When selecting therapeutic agents for local anesthesia, infection, postoperative pain, or sedation, the dentist must evaluate the potential benefits of the dental therapy versus the risks to the pregnant patient and the fetus. The practitioner should select the safest medication, limit the duration of the drug regimen, and minimize dosage. Healthcare providers should avoid the use of aspirin, aspirincontaining products, erythromycin estolate, and tetracycline in the pregnant patient. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs routinely are not recommended during pregnancy; if necessary, administration should be avoided during the first and third trimesters and be limited to 48 to 72 hours. Consultation with the prenatal medical provider should precede use of nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia/anxiolysis during pregnancy. Nitrous oxide inhalation should be limited to cases where topical and local anesthetics alone are inadequate. Precautions must be taken to prevent hypoxia, hypotension, and aspiration.
Patients requiring restorative care should be counseled regarding the risk and benefits and alternatives to amalgam fillings. The dental practitioner should use rubber dam and high speed suction during the placement or removal of amalgam to reduce the risk of vapor inhalation.
Dental practitioners must be familiar with federal and state statutes that govern consent for care for a pregnant patient less than the age of majority. If a pregnant adolescent’s parents are unaware of the pregnancy, and state laws require parental consent for dental treatment, the practitioner should encourage the adolescent to inform them so appropriate informed consent for dental treatment can occur. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) specifically addresses minor confidentiality.
Recommendation Grading
Oral Health Care for the Pregnant Adolescent
Authoring Organization
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Publication Month/Year
September 30, 2016
Last Updated Month/Year
January 16, 2024
Document Type
External Publication Status
Country of Publication
Document Objectives
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), as the oral health advocate for infants, children, adolescents, and persons with special needs, recognizes that adolescent pregnancy remains a significant social and health issue in the U.S. These recommendations are intended to address management of oral health care particular to the pregnant adolescent rather than provide specific treatment recommendations for oral conditions.
Target Patient Population
Pregnant Adolescent
Inclusion Criteria
Female, Adolescent
Health Care Settings
Ambulatory, Childcare center, Outpatient
Intended Users
Dentist, nurse, nurse practitioner, physician, physician assistant
Assessment and screening, Prevention
Diseases/Conditions (MeSH)
D011247 - Pregnancy, D003813 - Dentistry, D003816 - Dentists, Women, D011253 - Pregnancy in Adolescence
adolescent, pregnancy, preventive care, pediatric dentistry