Management of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia
Definitions and nomenclature
Global epidemiology and risk factors for CLTI
Diagnosis and limb staging in CLTI
Medical management
Strategies for EBR
Nonrevascularization treatments of the limb
Biologic and regenerative medicine approaches in CLTI
The role of minor and major amputations
Postprocedural care and surveillance after infrainguinal revascularization for CLTI
Study designs and trial end points in CLTI
Recommendation Grading
Management of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia
Authoring Organization
Society for Vascular Surgery
Endorsing Organizations
American Podiatric Medical Association
Society of Interventional Radiology
Publication Month/Year
June 3, 2019
Last Updated Month/Year
December 19, 2024
Supplemental Implementation Tools
Document Type
External Publication Status
Country of Publication
Document Objectives
Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) is associated with mortality, amputation, and impaired quality of life. These Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG) are focused on definition, evaluation, and management of CLTI with the goals of improving evidence-based care and highlighting critical research needs. The term CLTI is preferred over critical limb ischemia, as the latter implies threshold values of impaired perfusion rather than a continuum.
Target Patient Population
Patients with Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI)
PICO Questions
Is there evidence that other measures, such as outflow bed resistance or below-knee runoff scores, are predictive of procedural or clinical outcomes? How do these compare with target path lesion complexity assessed by angiography?
Is there a simple, reproducible method for quantification of calcification that has predictive value for infrainguinal interventions?
Are there specific patient factors (eg, demographic or comorbidity) associated with anatomic patterns of disease in CLTI?
Are there anatomic patterns of disease in which an endovascular approach is futile?
How does lesion morphology (eg, concentric vs eccentric) influence treatment success for different endovascular interventions?
Is there a correlation between GLASS stage and clinical presentation (WIfI)?
What is the comparative value of direct (angiosome based) vs indirect revascularization in the setting of tissue loss, and how should it drive selection of the preferred TAP? Is this specific to wound location or WIfI stage? Open table in a new tab
Inclusion Criteria
Male, Female, Adult, Older adult
Health Care Settings
Ambulatory, Hospital, Outpatient, Radiology services, Operating and recovery room
Intended Users
Nurse, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, physician, physician assistant, podiatrist
Diagnosis, Treatment, Management
Diseases/Conditions (MeSH)
D058729 - Peripheral Arterial Disease
peripheral artery disease (P.A.D.), PAD, critical limb ischemia, CLTI, Peripheral artery disease, chronic limb threatening ischemia, foot ulcer
Supplemental Methodology Resources
Systematic Review Document, Systematic Review Document, Systematic Review Document, Systematic Review Document