Management of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy
Key Points
Key Points
Potential benefits to the healthcare system include shorter or avoided hospital stays, prevention of hospital associated conditions and significant cost savings.
Advantages of OPAT to patients include the ability to return to work or school faster, care for children or dependents and, generally, to resume activities of daily living with minimal interruption in their life.
Models of Care
...odels of Ca...
...dels of CareHaving trouble viewing table? E...
...tient Consideration...
...ts (or their caregivers) should be allo...
...ts (or their caregivers) may be allowed to s...
...ation can be made about whether PWID ma...
Elderly patients should be allowed to be trea...
...endation can be made regarding whether in...
...crobial and Catheter Utilizatio... prior history of allergy to antimicrobials...
...patients needing short courses of OPAT (le...
...ory use of a central catheter over a non-central...
...mmendation can be made for choice of vas...
...tients with advanced CKD requiring OPAT, t-CVC...
...n can be made about whether patients who requ...
...s not necessary to remove a vascular access dev...
...tion can be made regarding the need to...
...r most children requiring OPAT, PICCs should b...
...laboratory testing should be monito...
Vancomycin blood levels should be measured regul...
...recommendation on frequency of outpatient f...
Antimicrobial Stewardship
...patients should have infectious disease...
...ures of Selected Antibacterials Used...
...tures of Selected Antivirals and Antifungals Used...