Chronic Kidney Disease in HIV-Infected Patients

Publication Date: September 24, 2014

Key Points

Key Points

  • The risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increased in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) compared with the general population.
  • In African Americans, HIV infection imparts a risk for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that is of similar magnitude to that of diabetes.
  • -infected patients, including direct effects by HIVA constellation of potential factors contributes to excess kidney disease in HIV-infected patients, including direct effects by HIV infection, HIV-associated immune activation, drug toxicity, coinfection with hepatitis C virus, and a high prevalence of traditional kidney disease risk factors.




...ecommends monitoring creatinine-based estimat...

...nitoring kidney damage with urinalysis or a qu...


...ds that the evaluation of new-onset...

...DSA recommends that HIV-infected patien...

...possible, IDSA recommends establishing permane...

When possible, IDSA recommends avoiding the use of...

...Chronic Kidney Disease Classification A...

Table 1. Classification of Albuminuria and... Factors for CKD and ESRD: Data From S...

...atory Indicators of Proximal Tubul...




...ends that clinicians prescribe ART and encourage...

...nds that clinicians use either the...

...that patients with biopsy-confirmed or c...

...ts infected with HIV who have a GFR...

...tenofovir-treated patients who experience a c...

...ardiovascular Drugs

...DSA recommends using angiotensin-convertin...

...that HIV-infected individuals with pre-ESRD CKD...

...s that clinicians consider prescribing aspiri...

...ood Pressure

...mmends a target blood pressure of...

...A suggests a target blood pressure...


...that clinicians consider corticosteroids as an a...

...dney Transplantation

...ds that HIV providers assess patients with...

...that HIV providers assess patients w...

Children and Adolescents with HIV and Adolescents wit...


...imilar to adults, IDSA recommends tha...

...ggests avoiding tenofovir as part of firs...


...recommends that children and adolescents with HIV...

...ts using ACE inhibitors or ARBs to treat prot...

...ggests that corticosteroids NOT be used...

...Dosing of Antiretroviral Drugs for HIV-Inf...