
Management of Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Authoring Organizations

European Respiratory Society

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Publication Month/Year

April 4, 2023

Last Updated Month/Year

May 29, 2024

Supplemental Implementation Tools

Document Type


Country of Publication


Document Objectives

Severe community-acquired pneumonia (sCAP) is associated with high morbidity and mortality, and whilst European and non-European guidelines are available for community-acquired pneumonia, there are no specific guidelines for sCAP.

Inclusion Criteria

Male, Female, Adult, Older adult

Health Care Settings

Ambulatory, Hospital, Outpatient

Intended Users

Nurse, nurse practitioner, physician, physician assistant


Assessment and screening, Treatment, Management

Diseases/Conditions (MeSH)

D011014 - Pneumonia


CAP, Community Acquired-Pneumonia, severe community acquired pneumonia, sCAP

Source Citation

Martin-Loeches I, Torres A, Nagavci B, Aliberti S, Antonelli M, Bassetti M, Bos L, Chalmers J, Derde L, de Waele J, Garnacho-Montero J, Kollef M, Luna C, Menendez R, Niederman M, Ponomarev D, Restrepo M, Rigau D, Schultz M, Weiss E, Welte T, Wunderink R. ERS/ESICM/ESCMID/ALAT guidelines for the management of severe community-acquired pneumonia. Intensive Care Med. 2023 Apr 4:1–18. doi: 10.1007/s00134-023-07033-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37012484; PMCID: PMC10069946.

Supplemental Methodology Resources

Data Supplement


Number of Source Documents
Literature Search Start Date
April 1, 2019
Literature Search End Date
February 1, 2020