Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Publication Date: May 24, 2023
Last Updated: July 6, 2023

Recommendations for the Management of RAa

a Intervention definitions and examples are provided in the Interventions section.

A. Exercise recommendations

We strongly recommend consistent engagement in exercise over no exercise. (Moderate-quality evidence, Strong recommendation)
We conditionally recommend consistent engagement in aerobic exercise over no exercise (Level of Evidence: Very low to low). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend consistent engagement in aquatic exercise over no exercise. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend consistent engagement in resistance exercise over no exercise. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend consistent engagement in mind-body exercise over no exercise. (Level of Evidence: Very low to low). (, Conditional recommendation)

B. Rehabilitation interventions

We conditionally recommend participation in comprehensive occupational therapy over no comprehensive occupational therapy. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend participation in comprehensive physical therapy over no comprehensive physical therapy. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
For patients with hand involvement, we conditionally recommend performing hand therapy exercises over no hand therapy exercises. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
For patients with hand and/or wrist involvement and/or deformity, we conditionally recommend use of splinting, orthoses, and/or compression over no splinting, orthoses, and/or compression. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
For patients with foot and/or ankle involvement, we conditionally recommend use of bracing, orthoses, and/or taping over no bracing, orthoses, and/or compression. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
For patients with foot and/or ankle involvement, we conditionally recommend use of bracing, orthoses, and/or taping over no bracing, orthoses, and/or compression. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
For patients with knee involvement, we conditionally recommend use of bracing and/or orthoses over no bracing and/or orthoses. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of joint protection techniques over no joint protection techniques. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of activity pacing, energy conservation, activity modification, and/or fatigue management over no activity pacing, energy conservation, activity modification, and/or fatigue management. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of assistive devices over no assistive devices. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of adaptive equipment over no adaptive equipment. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of environmental adaptations over no environmental adaptations. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)
For patients who are currently employed or desire to become employed, we conditionally recommend use of vocational rehabilitation over no work interventions. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)
For patients who are currently employed or desire to become employed, we conditionally recommend work site evaluations and/or modifications over no work site evaluations and/or modifications. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)

C. Diet recommendations

We conditionally recommend adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet over no formally defined diet. (Level of Evidence: Low to moderate). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend against adherence to a formally defined diet, other than Mediterranean-style. (Level of Evidence: Very low to moderate). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend following established dietary recommendations without dietary supplements over adding dietary supplements. (Level of Evidence: Very low to moderate). (, Conditional recommendation)

D. Additional integrative interventions

We conditionally recommend use of a standardized self-management program over no standardized self-management program. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of cognitive behavioral therapy and/or mind-body approaches over no cognitive behavioral therapy and/or mind-body approaches. (Level of Evidence: Very low to low). (, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of acupuncture over no acupuncture. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of massage therapy over no massage therapy. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend use of thermal modalities over no thermal modalities. (Very low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend against using electrotherapy. (Low-quality evidence, Conditional recommendation)
We conditionally recommend against using chiropractic therapy. (Level of Evidence: No studies met eligibility criteria). (, Conditional recommendation)

Recommendation Grading


The information in this patient summary should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health care provider if you have questions about your health.



Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Authoring Organization

American College of Rheumatology

Publication Month/Year

May 24, 2023

Last Updated Month/Year

October 4, 2024

Document Type


Country of Publication


Document Objectives

This guideline provides initial ACR recommendations on integrative interventions for the management of RA to accompany DMARD treatments. The broad range of interventions included in these recommendations illustrates the importance of an interprofessional team-based approach to RA management.

Target Patient Population

Adults with rheumatoid arthritis

Target Provider Population

Clinicians providing care to adults with rheumatoid arthritis

PICO Questions

  1. Should patients with RA use a formally defined diet?

  2. Should patients with RA use a commercially available dietary supplement?

  3. Should patients with RA who are overweight or obese receive a weight loss intervention?

  4. . Should patients with RA engage in an aerobic exercise program?

  5. Should patients with RA engage in an aquatic exercise program?

  6. Should patients with RA consistently engage in a resistance training exercise program?

  7. Should patients with RA engage in a mind-body exercise program?

  8. Should patients with RA and hand involvement perform resistive hand exercises?

  9. Should patients with RA and hand/wrist impairment/deformity use splinting/orthoses/compression?

  10. Should patients with RA and foot/ankle involvement use bracing/orthoses/taping?

  11. Should patients with RA and knee involvement use bracing/orthoses?

  12. Should patients with RA use joint protection techniques?

  13. Should patients with RA use activity pacing/energy conservation/activity modification/fatigue management techniques?

  14. Should patients with RA use assistive devices?

  15. Should patients with RA use adaptive equipment?

  16. Should patients with RA use environmental adaptations?

  17. Should patients with RA participate in comprehensive occupational therapy (OT)?

  18. Should patients with RA participate in a comprehensive physical therapy (PT) program?

  19. Should patients with RA use a standardized, evidence-based self-management program?

  20. Should patients with RA use mind-body approaches?

  21. Should patients with RA, who are currently employed or want to become employed, use vocational rehabilitation?

  22. Should patients with RA, who are currently employed or want to become employed, receive work site evaluations and modifications?

  23. Should patients with RA use acupuncture?

  24. Should patients with RA receive massage therapy?

  25. Should patients with RA receive thermal modalities?

  26. Should patients with RA receive electrotherapy or vagal nerve stimulation?

  27. Should patients with RA receive chiropractic therapy?

  28. Should patients with RA who are current smokers engage in a smoking cessation program?

Inclusion Criteria

Adult, Older adult

Health Care Settings

Ambulatory, Correctional facility, Hospital, Long term care, Outpatient

Intended Users

Chiropractor, counselor, dietician nutritionist, nurse, nurse midwife, nurse practitioner, occupational therapist, physical therapist, physician, physician assistant, podiatrist, psychologist



Diseases/Conditions (MeSH)

D001172 - Arthritis, Rheumatoid


diet, exercise, weight loss, physical therapy, rehabilitation, rheumatoid arthritis, integrative medicine, acupuncture, Integrative Therapies, occupational therapy, hand therapy exercises, vocational rehabilitation, adaptive devices, cognitive behavioral therapy, massage therapy, electrotherapy, chiropractic, vagal nerve stimulation

Source Citation

England BR, Smith BJ, Baker NA, , et al. 2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 May 25. doi: 10.1002/art.42507. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37227071.

Supplemental Methodology Resources

Evidence Tables


Number of Source Documents
Literature Search Start Date
November 5, 2021
Literature Search End Date
April 30, 2022