Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in Adults

Publication Date: August 1, 2020

Key Points

Key Points

  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) must be considered in the differential diagnosis for patients with newly identified interstitial lung disease (ILD).
  • This guideline committee categorized HP into two clinical phenotypes—nonfibrotic and fibrotic HP—and made separate recommendations for each.

For patients with clinical and radiographic manifestations suggestive of nonfibrotic HP (i.e., patients without radiological and/or histopathological evidence of fibrosis), the guideline committee:
  • makes no recommendation or suggestion for or against the use of a questionnaire to identify potential HP inciting agents and sources. Instead, the guideline committee recommends development and validation of a questionnaire.Remark: Pending the availability of a validated questionnaire, the guideline committee advocates that clinicians take a thorough history to identify potential exposures and sources in the patient's environment that are known to be associated with HP.
suggests performing serum IgG testing that targets potential antigens associated with HP. (S, VL)
recommends obtaining bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid for lymphocyte cellular analysis. (C, VL)
suggests transbronchial forceps lung biopsy. (S, VL)
makes no recommendation or suggestion for or against transbronchial lung cryobiopsy.
suggests surgical lung biopsy only when all other diagnostic testing has not yielded a diagnosis. (S, VL)

For patients with clinical and radiographic manifestations suggestive of fibrotic HP (i.e., patients with radiological and/or histopathological evidence of fibrosis), the guideline committee:
  • makes no recommendation or suggestion for or against the use of a questionnaire to identify potential HP inciting agents and sources. Instead, the guideline committee recommends development and validation of a questionnaire.
    Remark: Pending the availability of a validated questionnaire, the guideline committee advocates that clinicians take a thorough history to identify potential exposures and sources in the patient’s environment that are known to be associated with HP.
suggests performing serum IgG testing that targets potential antigens associated with HP. (S, VL)
suggests performing serum IgG testing that targets potential antigens associated with HP. (S, VL)
makes no recommendation or suggestion for or against transbronchial forceps lung biopsy.
suggests transbronchial lung cryobiopsy. (S, VL)
suggests surgical lung biopsy; this recommendation is intended to apply when all other diagnostic testing has not yielded a diagnosis. (S, VL)



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...with newly identified ILD whose different...

...or patients with newly identified ILD whose diffe...

...urces of Antigens Known to Cause HPHavi...

...Recommended Chest HRCT Scanning P...

...le 3. Radiological Terms for Heterogen...

...e 4. Chest HRCT Scan Features of the Nonfibroti...

...“Typical hypersensitivity pneumon...

...nonfibrotic typical HP pattern is characterized b...

...RCT Scan Features of the Fibrotic HP PatternHa...

...gure 2. Three-density Pattern...

...esolution computed tomography (A) inspirator...

.... Histopathological Criteria for the Diagnosis...

...cal Lung biopsy Specimen from a Patient w...

...Low-magnification photomicrograph showing p...

...e 4. (A–C) Poorly Formed Granulomas Charac...

...agnification photomicrograph illustrating i...

...5. Photomicrographs of Surgical Lung Bio...

...g magnification view showing multiple sections...

...ypersensitivity Pneumonitis Diagnosis...

...7. Diagnostic Evaluation of Possible Hyper...