Management of Obstruction of the Femoroiliocaval Venous System

Publication Date: January 1, 2015
Last Updated: March 14, 2022

Recommendations for Management Of Obstruction of the Femoroiliocaval Venous System

We recommend venous balloon angioplasty and stenting for treatment of non-thrombotic and post-thrombotic iliac and common femoral venous obstructions in patients with lower extremity pain or edema affecting QOL not palliated by compression and for patients with impending or active lower extremity venous leg ulceration. (1B)
We recommend venous balloon angioplasty and stenting for treatment of non-thrombotic and post-thrombotic IVC obstructions in patients with lower extremity pain or edema affecting QOL not palliated by compression and for patients with impending or active lower extremity venous leg ulceration. (1C)
We recommend venous balloon angioplasty and stenting as an adjunct to catheter-directed thrombolysis for acute femoroiliocaval deep vein thrombosis in order to maintain vein patency and flow when a residual stenosis is found on post thrombolysis imaging. (1B)
We recommend venous balloon angioplasty and stenting for treatment of non-thrombotic and postthrombotic iliac venous obstructions in patients with chronic pelvic pain, deep dyspareunia, or low back pain which severely affect the QOL when other likely causes have been excluded and the severity of the iliac vein obstruction is considered sufficient to explain the symptoms. (1C)

Recommendation Grading



Management of Obstruction of the Femoroiliocaval Venous System

Authoring Organization

American Vein & Lymphatic Society

Endorsing Organizations

American Venous Forum

Society for Vascular Surgery

Society of Interventional Radiology

Publication Month/Year

January 1, 2015

Last Updated Month/Year

July 31, 2023

Document Type


External Publication Status


Country of Publication


Inclusion Criteria

Female, Adult, Older adult

Health Care Settings

Ambulatory, Hospital, Operating and recovery room

Intended Users

Athletics coaching, nurse, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, physician, physician assistant


Diagnosis, Assessment and screening, Treatment, Management, Prevention

Diseases/Conditions (MeSH)

D020246 - Venous Thrombosis


Femoroiliocaval Venous System, Obstruction, balloon angioplasty, Non-thrombotic venous obstruction, Post-thrombotic venous Obstruction