Metastatic Prostate Cancer Germline and Somatic Genomic Testing
Publication Date: January 9, 2025
Key Points
Key Points
- Somatic genomic testing has both prognostic and predictive capability and may affect treatment decision-making for patients with metastatic prostate cancer.
- Germline genetic testing may also provide similar information, with the added potential to offer additional hereditary cancer risk information with relevance to family members regarding cancer risk beyond prostate.
...of Recommendations...
General Note: The following recommendations...
...endation 1: All patients with metastat...
...tion 2: Those patients with metastatic p...
...on 3: The panel recommends that seque...
...dation 4: Archival tissue samples a...
...on 5: Patients with pathogenic germli...
...tion 6: Treatment recommendations sh...
.... Germline and Somatic Genomic Testing for M...
...mercially Available Prostate Cancer Ge...