Supraventricular Tachycardia

Publication Date: September 23, 2015

Key Points

Key Points

  • The writing committee generated a clinical practice guideline that provides for high-quality, evidence-based decision making for patients with SVT.
  • The “2015 ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Management of Adult Patients with Supraventricular Tachycardia” replaces the “2003 ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Supraventricular Arrhythmias”. It utilizes new knowledge from clinical trials, treatments and drugs, and updates or replaces recommendations.
  • Atrial fibrillation is not included in this guideline.
  • Shared decision making is stressed in the document with attention to the patient’s preferences and treatment goals and their individual situations.
  • The best available evidence indicates that the prevalence of SVT in the general population is 2.29 per 1,000 persons, and the incidence of PSVT is estimated to be 36 per 100,000 persons per year.
  • Women have twice the risk of men of developing PSVT. Individuals >65 years of age have >5 times the risk of younger persons of developing PSVT.
  • SVT has an impact on quality of life, which varies according to the frequency of episodes, the duration of SVT, and whether symptoms occur not only with exercise but also AT rest.
  • While drug therapy is largely unchanged from 2003, there is one exception. Ivabradine is a new class of drug that has unique properties for reduction of the heart rate. The guideline provides new recommendations for use of ivabradine for ongoing management in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia.
  • Ablation techniques have improved, including techniques to minimize radiation exposure. As such, catheter ablation may be reasonable in pregnant patients with highly symptomatic, recurrent, drug-refractory SVT with efforts toward minimizing radiation exposure.
  • This guideline also provides new recommendations for the management of patients with asymptomatic WPW pattern, based on a systematic review of the evidence.

General Principles

Table 1. Relevant Terms and Definitions

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Arrhythmia/Term and Definition

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
  • An umbrella term used to describe tachycardias (atrial and/or ventricular rates in excess of 100 bpm at rest), the mechanism of which involves tissue from the His bundle or above. These SVTs include IST, AT (including focal and multifocal AT), macroreentrant AT (including typical atrial flutter), junctional tachycardia, AVNRT, and various forms of accessory pathway-mediated reentrant tachycardias. In this guideline, the term does not include AF.
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)
  • A clinical syndrome characterized by the presence of a regular and rapid tachycardia of abrupt onset and termination. These features are characteristic of AVNRT or AVRT, and, less frequently, AT. PSVT represents a subset of SVT.
Atrial fibrillation (AF)
  • A supraventricular arrhythmia with uncoordinated atrial activation and, consequently, ineffective atrial contraction. ECG characteristics include: 1) irregular atrial activity, 2) absence of distinct P waves, and 3) irregular R-R intervals (when AV conduction is present). AF is not addressed in this document.
Sinus tachycardia
  • Rhythm arising from the sinus node in which the rate of impulses exceeds 100 bpm.
    • Physiologic sinus tachycardia
      • Appropriate increased sinus rate in response to exercise and other situations that increase sympathetic tone.
    • Inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST)
      • Sinus heart rate >100 bpm at rest, with a mean 24-h heart rate >90 bpm not due to appropriate physiological responses or primary causes such as hyperthyroidism or anemia.
Atrial tachycardia (AT)
  • Focal AT
    • An SVT arising from a localized atrial site, characterized by regular, organized atrial activity with discrete P waves and typically an isoelectric segment between P waves. At times, irregularity is seen, especially at onset (“warm-up”) and termination (“warm-down”). Atrial mapping reveals a focal point of origin.
  • Sinus node reentry tachycardia
    • A specific type of focal AT that is due to microreentry arising from the sinus node complex, characterized by abrupt onset and termination, resulting in a P-wave morphology that is indistinguishable from sinus rhythm.
  • Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT)
    • An irregular SVT characterized by ≥3 distinct P-wave morphologies and/or patterns of atrial activation at different rates. The rhythm is always irregular.
Atrial flutter
  • Cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI)– dependent atrial flutter: typical
    • Macroreentrant AT propagating around the tricuspid annulus, proceeding superiorly along the atrial septum, inferiorly along the right atrial wall, and through the CTI between the tricuspid valve annulus and the Eustachian valve and ridge. This activation sequence produces predominantly negative "sawtooth" flutter waves on the ECG in leads 2, 3, and aVF and a late positive deflection in V1. The atrial rate can be slower than the typical 300 bpm (cycle length 200 ms) in the presence of antiarrhythmic drugs or scarring. It is also known as "typical atrial flutter" or "CTI– dependent atrial flutter" or "counterclockwise atrial flutter."
  • CTI– dependent atrial flutter: reverse typical
    • Macroreentrant AT that propagates around in the direction reverse that of typical atrial flutter. Flutter waves typically appear positive in the inferior leads and negative in V1. This type of atrial flutter is also referred to as "reverse typical" atrial flutter or "clockwise typical atrial flutter.”
  • Atypical or non- CTI– dependent atrial flutter
    • Macroreentrant ATs that do not involve the CTI. A variety of reentrant circuits may include reentry around the mitral valve annulus or scar tissue within the left or right atrium. A variety of terms have been applied to these arrhythmias according to the reentry circuit location, including particular forms, such as "LA flutter" and “LA macroreentrant tachycardia" or incisional atrial reentrant tachycardia due to reentry around surgical scars.
Junctional tachycardia
  • A nonreentrant SVT that arises from the AV junction (including the His bundle).
Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
  • A reentrant tachycardia involving 2 functionally distinct pathways, generally referred to as "fast" and "slow" pathways. Most commonly, the fast pathway is located near the apex of Koch’s triangle, and the slow pathway inferoposterior to the compact AV node tissue. Variant pathways have been described, allowing for “slow-slow” AVNRT.
    • Typical AVNRT
      • AVNRT in which a slow pathway serves as the anterograde limb of the circuit and the fast pathway serves as the retrograde limb (also called “slow-fast AVNRT”).
    • Atypical AVNRT
      • AVNRT in which the fast pathway serves as the anterograde limb of the circuit and a slow pathway serves as the retrograde limb (also called “fast-slow AV node reentry”) or a slow pathway serves as the anterograde limb and a second slow pathway serves as the retrograde limb (also called “slow-slow AVNRT”).
Accessory pathway
  • For the purpose of this guideline, an accessory pathway is defined as an extranodal AV pathway that connects the myocardium of the atrium to the ventricle across the AV groove. Accessory pathways can be classified by their location, type of conduction (decremental or nondecremental), and whether they are capable of conducting anterogradely, retrogradely, or in both directions. Of note, accessory pathways of other types (such as atriofascicular, nodo-fascicular, nodo-ventricular, and fasciculoventricular pathways) are uncommon.
    • Manifest accessory pathways
      • A pathway that conducts anterogradely to cause ventricular pre-excitation pattern on the ECG.
    • Concealed accessory pathway
      • A pathway that conducts only retrogradely and does not affect the ECG pattern during sinus rhythm.
    • Pre-excitation pattern
      • An ECG pattern reflecting the presence of a manifest accessory pathway connecting the atrium to the ventricle. Pre-excited ventricular activation over the accessory pathway competes with the anterograde conduction over the AV node and spreads from the accessory pathway insertion point in the ventricular myocardium. Depending on the relative contribution from ventricular activation by the normal AV nodal / His Purkinje system versus the manifest accessory pathway, a variable degree of pre-excitation, with its characteristic pattern of a short P-R interval with slurring of the initial upstroke of the QRS complex (delta wave), is observed. Pre-excitation can be intermittent or not easily appreciated for some pathways capable of anterograde conduction; this is usually associated with a low-risk pathway, but exceptions occur.
    • Asymptomatic pre- excitation (isolated pre-excitation)
      • The abnormal pre-excitation ECG pattern in the absence of documented SVT or symptoms consistent with SVT.
    • Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome
      • Syndrome characterized by documented SVT or symptoms consistent with SVT in a patient with ventricular pre-excitation during sinus rhythm.
Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT)
  • A reentrant tachycardia, the electrical pathway of which requires an accessory pathway, the atrium, AV node (or second accessory pathway), and ventricle.
    • Orthodromic AVRT
      • An AVRT in which the reentrant impulse uses the accessory pathway in the retrograde direction from the ventricle to the atrium, and the AV node in the anterograde direction. The QRS complex is generally narrow or may be wide because of pre-existing bundle-branch block or aberrant conduction.
    • Antidromic AVRT
      • An AVRT in which the reentrant impulse uses the accessory pathway in the anterograde direction from the atrium to the ventricle, and the AV node for the retrograde direction. Occasionally, instead of the AV node, another accessory pathway can be used in the retrograde direction, which is referred to as pre-excited AVRT. The QRS complex is wide (maximally pre-excited).
Permanent form of junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT)
  • A rare form of nearly incessant orthodromic AVRT involving a slowly conducting, concealed, usually posteroseptal accessory pathway.
Pre-excited AF
  • AF with ventricular pre-excitation caused by conduction over ≥1 accessory pathway(s).



...1. Differential Diagnosis for Adult N...



...e 2. Acute Treatment of SVT of Unknown Mechanism... are recommended for acute treatment in...

...recommended for acute treatment in patients wit...

...ynchronized cardioversion is recommended f...

...chronized cardioversion is recommende...

...V diltiazem or verapamil can be effect...

...s are reasonable for acute treatment in patie...

...Treatment of SVT of Unknown Mechani... Management of SVT of Unknown Me...

...beta blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil is use...

...ith the option of ablation is useful...

...ients with SVT should be educated on how to perfor...

...propafenone is reasonable for ong...

...otalol may be reasonable for ongoing ma...

...etilide may be reasonable for ongoin...

...may be considered for ongoing management in pa... may be reasonable for ongoing manag...

...Ongoing Management of SVT of Unknown Mechanism...


.... Ongoing Management of IST

...and treatment of reversible causes are re...

...e is reasonable for ongoing management in...

...ay be considered for ongoing management in patient...

...n of beta blockers and ivabradine may...

...specific recommendations for acute treatment of...

Nonsinus Focal AT and...

...Treatment of Suspected Focal AT...

...eta blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil is u...

...onized cardioversion is recommended for acute tre... useful in the acute setting to eith...

...darone may be reasonable in the acute s...

...reasonable in the acute setting to...

Figure 4. Acute Treatment of Suspec...

...Ongoing Management of Suspected Focal AT...

...eter ablation is recommended in patients with sy...

Oral beta blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil...

...or propafenone can be effective for ongoing...

...talol or amiodarone may be reasonabl...

Figure 5. Ongoing Management of F...

...le 7. Acute Treatment of MA...

...toprolol or verapamil can be useful...

...Ongoing Management of MAT...

...pamil (IIa, B-NR)573...

...azem (IIa, C-LD)573...

...etoprolol is reasonable for ongoing...

...igure 6. Acute Treatment o...

...9. Acute Treatment of...

...are recommended for acute treatment...

...denosine is recommended for acute tr...

...dioversion should be performed for acute treatme...

...nized cardioversion is recommended for a...

...beta blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil are...

...kers, diltiazem, or verapamil may be reasonable...

IV amiodarone may be considered for acute tr...

...7. Ongoing Management of AVNRT... 10. Ongoing Management of A...

...or diltiazem is recommended for ongoing ma... ablation of the slow pathway is recommended...

...a blockers are recommended for ongoing management...

...or propafenone is reasonable for ongoing mana...

...w-up without pharmacological thera...

...l or dofetilide may be reasonable for o...

...or amiodarone may be reasonable fo...

...-administered (“pill-in-the-pocket”) acute d...

...Manifest or Concealed Accessory Pat...

...11. Acute Treatment of Orthodromic AVRT... are recommended for acute treatme... is beneficial for acute treatment in patient...

...rdioversion should be performed for acute treatmen...

...rdioversion is recommended for acu...

...chronized cardioversion should be performed for ac...

Ibutilide or IV procainamide is beneficial for a...

...m, verapamil (IIa, B-R)573...

...ta blockers (IIa, C-LD)573

...V beta blockers, diltiazem, and verap..., IV amiodarone , IV or oral beta blocker...

...Acute Treatment of Orthodromic AVRT...

...le 12. Ongoing Management of Orthodro...

...eter ablation of the accessory pathway is reco...

...l beta blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil are...

...lecainide or propafenone is reasonable...

...or sotalol may be reasonable for ongoing ma...

...may be considered for ongoing management in patie...

...ta blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil...

...may be reasonable for ongoing management of or...

...digoxin is potentially harmful for ongoing m...

...e 9. Ongoing Management of Orthodromic AV...

...tic Pre-Excitation...

...Asymptomatic Patients With Pre-Excitation...

...c patients with pre-excitation, the find...

abrupt loss of conduction over a manif...

...ermittent loss of pre-excitation during ECG or amb...

...n EP study is reasonable in asymptomatic patie...

...theter ablation of the accessory pat...

...r ablation of the accessory pathway is reasonab...

Observation, without further evaluation or treatm...

...e 14. Risk Stratification of Symptom...

...ngs of abrupt loss of conduction over the pathway...

...loss of pre-excitation during ECG or ambulato...

...EP study is useful in symptomatic pati...

...trial Flutter

...15. Acute Treatment of Atrial Flutter

...ofetilide or IV ibutilide is useful for acute...

...V or oral beta blockers, diltiazem, or verapa...

...synchronized cardioversion is indicated in sta...

...nchronized cardioversion is recomme...

...cing is useful for acute conversion of...

...hrombotic therapy is recommended in patien...

...n be useful for acute control of the...

...e 10. Acute Treatment of Atrial Flu...

...ngoing Management of Atrial Flutter...

...on of the CTI is useful in patients...

...blockers, diltiazem, or verapamil are...

...heter ablation is useful in patients wit...

...going management with antithrombotic therap...

...he following drugs can be useful to maintain sinus...

...tion is reasonable in patients with CTI-dependent...

...ablation of the CTI is reasonable in patients un...

...ter ablation is reasonable in patients with recu...

...nide or propafenone may be considered to mainta...

...n may be reasonable for asymptomatic patient...

...11. Ongoing Management of Atrial Flut...

...ctional Tachycardia...

...le 17. Acute Treatment of Junction...

...eta blockers are reasonable for acute treatment i...

...V diltiazem, procainamide, or verapamil is...

...18. Ongoing Management of Junctional... are reasonable for ongoing management...

Oral diltiazem or verapamil is reasonable fo...

Flecainide or propafenone may be reasonable...

...lation may be reasonable in patients with jun...

Figure 12. Ongoing Management of Junctional Tach...


...Acute Treatment of AC...

...ntithrombotic therapy is recommended in ACHD pa...

...zed cardioversion is recommended fo...

...diltiazem or esmolol (with extra caution usin... is recommended for acute treatment in ACHD...

...ide or procainamide can be effective... can be effective for acute tre...

...onized cardioversion can be useful f...

Oral dofetilide or sotalol may be reasonable for...

...13. Acute Treatment of SVT in ACHD Patients...

Table 20. Ongoing Manage... management with antithrombotic t...

...of associated hemodynamic abnormalities for po...

...perative catheter ablation or intraope...

...ta blockers or sotalol therapy can be useful...

...atheter ablation is reasonable for treatm...

...on of AT or atrial flutter can be effective...

...may be reasonable to decrease recurrence...

...etilide may be reasonable for prevention of recur... reasonable for prevention of recu...

...ecainide should not be administered for tr... Management of SVT in ACHD Patients...

...21. Acute Treatment of SVT in Pre...

Vagal maneuvers are recommended for...

Adenosine is recommended for acute tre...

...nized cardioversion is recommended for...

...oprolol or propranolol is reasonable f... reasonable for acute treatment in pregn...

...inamide may be reasonable for acute treatment in...

...e may be considered for acute treatment in preg...

...n Pregnancy...

...2. Ongoing Management of SVT in Pregnancy...

...g drugs, alone or in combination, can be effective...

...ablation may be reasonable in pregnant pati...

...l amiodarone may be considered for ongoin...

...T in Older Populat...

...cute Treatment of SVT in Older Populations...

...ostic and therapeutic approaches to SVT should...