Management of Male Breast Cancer

Publication Date: February 14, 2020

Key Points

Key Points

Male breast cancer is a rare disease representing less than 1% of all breast carcinomas diagnosed in the United States each year.

In 2019, an estimated 2,670 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed among men in the United States, and about 500 men will die from breast cancer.

The lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1:1000 for a man, whereas it is approximately 1:8 for a woman.

There are substantial knowledge gaps concerning the optimal management of breast cancer in men.

To date, approaches to treating men with breast cancer have been extrapolated largely from research conducted in women with breast cancer.



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...treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy should...

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...stage breast cancer should not be tre...

...ced or metastatic, hormone receptor-positive...

...p recurrent metastatic, hormone receptor-pos...

...docrine therapy for men with advanced or meta...

...rapy guided by HER2, PDL-1, PIK3CA, and germl...

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...hysicians should counsel patients a...

...lateral annual mammogram should be offered...

...ral annual mammogram may be offere...

...east MRI is not recommended routinely in me... breast cancer should be offered ge...

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