Palliative And End-Of-Life Care In Lung Cancer: Diagnosis And Management Of Lung Cancer

Publication Date: May 1, 2013
Last Updated: March 14, 2022



For patients with stage IV lung cancer and/or a high symptom burden, it is suggested that palliative care combined with standard oncology care be introduced early in the treatment course. (2, B)

Communication and End-of-Life Care

It is recommended that all physicians caring for patients with lung cancer should begin conversations about the patient’s prognosis and goals of care at the time of the diagnosis, and continue these throughout the course of the illness. (1, B)
It is recommended that all physicians caring for patients with advanced lung cancer should initiate conversations about the goals of care, the pros and cons of life-sustaining treatment and end-of-life care options. (1, B)

Recommendation Grading



Palliative And End-Of-Life Care In Lung Cancer: Diagnosis And Management Of Lung Cancer

Authoring Organization

American College of Chest Physicians

Publication Month/Year

May 1, 2013

Last Updated Month/Year

August 22, 2023

Document Type


External Publication Status


Country of Publication


Document Objectives

In the United States, lung cancer is a major health problem that is associated with significant patient distress and often limited survival, with some exceptions. The purpose of this article is to address the role of palliative and end-of-life care in the management of patients with lung cancer and to address the need for good communication skills to provide support to patients and families.

Target Patient Population

Patients with end stage lung cancer

Inclusion Criteria

Female, Male, Adolescent, Adult, Older adult

Health Care Settings

Home health, Hospice, Hospital, Long term care, Radiology services

Intended Users

Nurse, nurse practitioner, physician, physician assistant


Diagnosis, Management, Treatment

Diseases/Conditions (MeSH)

D002289 - Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung, D010166 - Palliative Care, D065126 - Palliative Medicine, D008175 - Lung Neoplasms, D011788 - Quality of Life


lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, palliative care, Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, non_small_cell_lung_cancer


Number of Source Documents
Literature Search Start Date
April 1, 2012
Literature Search End Date
August 1, 2012