Guideline Central Blog


ASCO’s Thyroid Cancer Guideline is Now Open for Public Comment

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has announced that the following guideline, “Systemic Treatment of Thyroid Cancer” is now open for public comment.  This latest guideline incorporates new evidence to ensure the most current recommendations are provided. As part of ASCO’s development process, they invite reviews and feedback for a 2-to-3-week period. Interested parties […]

Guidelines Spotlight - Survivorship Care for People Affected by Advanced or Metastatic Cancer

Survivorship Care for People Affected by Advanced or Metastatic Cancer – Guideline Spotlight

The Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (MASCC-ASCO) have recently published new guidelines entitled “Survivorship Care for Individuals Affected by Advanced or Metastatic Cancer,” on April 29, 2024. These guidelines provide comprehensive and evidence-based recommendations intended to improve the quality of life and optimize the outcomes for […]